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加油站那仨 Three from the Filling Station

加油站那仨 Three from the Filling Station

译  名 加油站那仨 / Three from the Filling Station
片  名 Die Drei von der Tankstelle
年  代 1930
产  地 德国
类  别 喜剧 / 爱情 / 歌舞
语  言 德语
上映日期 1930-09-15
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/2370786/
片  长 99 分钟
导  演 威廉·迪勒 / Wilhelm Thiele
演  员 Roman Cycowski Roman Cycowski
      Ari Leschnikoff Ari Leschnikoff
      Robert Biberti Robert Biberti
      Erwin Bootz Erwin Bootz
      Erich A. Collin Erich A. Collin
      Harry Frommermann Harry Frommermann
      Gertrud Wolle Gertrud Wolle
      奥尔加·契诃娃 / Olga Tschechowa
      Leo Monosson Leo Monosson
      Fritz Kampers Fritz Kampers
      维利·弗里奇 / Willy Fritsch
      莉莉安·哈维 / Lilian Harvey
      菲利克斯·布雷萨特 / Felix Bressart
      库尔特·盖瑞 / Kurt Gerron
      海因茨·吕曼 / Heinz Rühmann
      奥斯卡·卡尔魏斯 / Oskar Karlweis
编  剧 Paul Frank Paul Frank
      弗朗茨·舒尔茨 / Franz Schulz
制  片  人 艾里奇·鲍默 / Erich Pommer
音  乐 维纳·R·海曼 / Werner R. Heymann
摄  影 弗兰茨·普拉纳 / Franz Planer
剪  辑 凯特列尔·维克多 / Viktor Gertler
美  术 Otto Hunte Otto Hunte

标  签 德国 | 喜剧 | 1930s | 歌舞 | 德国电影百佳 | musical | 默片 | 德国|德语电影

简  介 

  Three good friends arrive home from vacation to discover they're bankrupt and the bailiff is about to strip their home of its contents. Left with just their car they decide to open a gas station and it's then that they meet the lovely blonde Lilian Cossmann - Lilian Harvey in one of her biggest hits. For such a very early talkie it's an astonishingly confident film one of the first UFA 'operettas' yet with a contemporary rather than period setting. The Comedian Harmonists put in a guest spot as barbershop-style singing barmen Olga Tschechowa appears in a supporting role and Werner Richard Heymann's marvelous music helps it all move along at a swift pace. This is a perennially popular Weimar-era German musical and deservedly so.

 威廉·迪勒 / Wilhelm Thiele
Roman Cycowski Roman Cycowski<br,Ari Leschnikoff Ari Leschnikoff<br,Robert Biberti Robert Biberti<br,Erwin Bootz Erwin Bootz<br,Erich A. Collin Erich A. Collin<br,Harry Frommermann Harry Frommermann<br
加油站那仨 Three from the Filling Station

